This website stores very limited information about our site visitors. However we do use some external services which may store data about you. We list what we store and the external services we use below.

  • We have a contact us form which allows you to send us a message/enquiry. The details you fill in are passed to us by email but not stored on the website. We will retain the emails sent to us this way and may use your contact details to respond to you about your enquiry.
  • The Barry Pratt website collects visitor information through This information is anonymised and should not personally identify you. You can view Statcounter’s privacy policy on their website

This website also encrypts all information as it passes between this website and the server where the website is held.  By using the best available technology we ensure your information cannot be seen by third party individuals while it is in transit.

If you have any queries about our use of your data please use the contact details you can find on the website.


This website uses cookies for a number of different purposes.

  • Cookies are set by to collect anonymised visitor statistics.

If you don’t consent to the above use please either leave the site or configure your browser to block cookies from it.

Additional Info

Unless you have specifically told your browser not to accept cookies, almost all websites place cookies on your devices. This is not in itself a security or privacy issue.

However, cookies can be used by some systems to, for instance track your web usage to work out which advertisements to show you, or gain information about your social networking usage. If you worry that this impinges on your privacy, search for ‘block all cookies’ or view this page for an idea of how to tell your browser not to allow them.

If you do this you may find that some websites will not work for you at all, or on others some functionality, like shopping baskets may not work.

The Barry Pratt website has always used cookies as outlined above, but we now need to inform you of this.